Thursday, December 28, 2006

Online Wii Compatible Duck Hunt

Since I was still up drunk @ 5 a.m. last Friday, I thought I would poke around with the new beta Wii Online channel. I stumbled , and stumbled upon an online Duck Hunt flash game. I hope down the line Nintendo will remove the pointer icon for flash games. Check it out.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Wii Sports Pack??

Was doin a little surfin' for Wii accessories just now and stumbled across this Wii Sports Pack!! I couldn't find it anywhere else online. This is just gonna add more space issues in smaller rooms. This super 3rd party appearing accessory looks funny, and pretty useless to me. I've already spent enough $$ on the 3 remotes and 1 nunchuk. Which also pisses me off when Wii Play comes out!! I just hope I can get it somehow w/o buying another controller...

Friday, November 24, 2006

I Actually Got A Wii Today!!

After 10 hours outside of EB Games in and out of my tent in low 30 degree weather, 4 smokes, and a little ds mario kart multiplayer, I actually walked away with a Wii!! I was the 3rd person there last night, and there were about 60-70 people in line when I woke up at 6:00 a.m.! The dude from the store came out at 6:45 and said they had 5 Wii's, and they weren't gonna get anymore today. Alot of upset peeps, that's for sure. I'm just glad to get one and not have to deal with trying to get lucky in the next month. Who knows, 2 weeks from now they might be all over the place. My shoulder is already sore from some 2 hours of competitive Wii Sports Tennis!! I'll upload some media soon.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

h2k6 Party...

Okay, 9 days since the crazy h2k6 party at our place. Gotta get some pics up and eventually get them all uploaded somewhere to share with everyone. Unfortunately, I have about 4-5 hours of organizing and packing up all the props and shit. Woot! To sum the party up in one word: Frigginsweetjustlikelastyearbutbetter! We had over 150 people show up and had no drama whatsoever. Day (2) of 'eating healthy, working out, and not drinking & smoking', yeah, I just got back from the bar. 1/2 price liters and free buffet at the beer hall on Tuesdays is gonna keep getting me into trouble ;) Here's a sneak peak of the craziness from the party...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hurt'in Still After Saturday Bachelor Party...

There's nothing better than a classic 2-day hangover to start the week off right!! As of right now, i have 4 bruises, one scab, and a bent pair of glasses to add to the injury report. I must admit, it sure as hell was fun!!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Help!! My Girlfriend Has My DS Lite!!

Ok, I'm starting to get a little flustered around the office and at home at night. I just figured it out...My G-friend has had my DS since Sunday night!! She was going to borrow it to play Sudoku and return it when she came over on Wed night. Well, that did not happen cuz I went to the Brewers game and watched them stomp all over the Cubs' asses. So, now it's Thursday, and I find out that her mom, who origionally thought it was 'gimmickey', is now totally hooked on the Brainage game. I'm afraid that if my lady does come over tonight, she might not bring it back because of that!!
HELP!! I need to get my DS fix!! Sitting on the can at night alone just isn't the same!!
Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'm gonna plan my attack after work today.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006